Monday, July 12, 2010

Artistic Mother Group, How to Get Others to Read Your Posts

Good morning, beautiful ladies of The Artistic Mother Group. I want to make sure that as much as possible that everyone else in the group is aware of when you post something for our group so that you will receive visits. We now have 99 participants. That is so great! Because we are so large, it is not possible to visit each and every post that every member puts up; so when you post something related to The Artistic Mother's Art group, I would suggest that you start your title off with "Artistic Mother" to maximize your chances of others from the group paying you a visit. I look at the blog roll for our group every day; and when I see those words, I automatically know that this is a post that I don't want to miss. Please continue to check the blog roll on my blog for Artistic Mother Group related posts on a regular basis so that we can continue to encourage one another in our efforts to do a little something creative each day. Only five show at a time. Just click "Show All" to see all of the blogs. Also, keep in mind that if you are leaving encouraging comments, that will ensure that you will receive some back yourself.

Another thing you can do to help you remember to check my blog often to see if I have posted or check the blog roll to see if others have posted is you can put my blog on your blog roll and/or in your reader so you'll easily see when I've posted and you don't have to try to remember on your own.

Love you, Guys. Thanks for being such a great group.

I'm half way done with my butterfly reminder. Hope to have it posted in a couple of days.

Have a great day.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blogger Buddy Meetup

Tuesday I had the great privilege and pleasure of meeting one of my blogging friends Rayanne of A Lovely Thought...Living Artistically at Home. I had wanted to meet her in person for such a long time. She is such an inspiration. She invited me to her home for tea, a special treat to eat and a nice chat, just the two of us. We talked about life, God, family and blogging and just loved on each other. It was a wonderful visit. She was everything I thought she would be, everything I had ever envisioned about her. She is so beautiful inside and out. She is so loving. Her words so full of wisdom. Her home is a beautiful sanctuary. Her loving touch and care for her family is evident on everything in her home. I felt such peace and tranquility coming from both she and her home. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity to get together with this precious woman. I can honestly say that she is my friend and mentor. Thank you, Rayanne, for being such a good friend and taking time out of your day for me.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Artistic Mother Butterfly Reminder, Week 5, in Progress

After taking a much needed break to get some things in order and taking time to reflect on my goals, priorities and how I should be spending my time, I have started working on the Butterfly Reminder from Week 5 of The Artistic Mother. I will do a little each day until it is complete. There are a lot of little steps; so I don't want to put pressure on myself to do too much in one day. That is part of the message of this book, though, isn't it, to do a little art each day? So what are you working on right now? Are you finding time to do a little art each day, or are you in a period of extreme busyness or time of reflection? I would love to hear from you to know how you are doing, what's going on in your life, and if there is anything I can do for you, even if it is just to pray for you. I think of you all often and am so glad that you are a part of this group, The Artistic Mother's Art Group, and that we are doing this together. You are an encouragement to me and have made my life richer. If you are reading this and have not joined us, I welcome you to consider doing so.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Newest Members of The Artistic Mother's Art Group - Added in June

I would like to introduce you to our newest members of The Artistic Mother's Art Group. All these joined in the month of June. I hope you will add them to your list on your blog if you are keeping one and pay them a visit and help them to feel welcome.

I have all participants listed in a blog list just for the group near the top of my sidebar. Those who have posted most recently move to the top of the list. It shows five at a time; so click "show all" to see the whole list. You can come to my blog daily to see who has posted most recently so that you can visit around for inspiration as well as just encouraging one another. Thank you so much for everyone's participation. You are a great group!

93.  Deb of Hand Stitched
94.  Leslie of Words of Me Project
95.  Jodi of Opened Door
96.  Kelly of Artful Happiness, News & Notes From The Happy Shack

***If you are new here, I am hosting an online art group where we are working through the 12 -project workshop in Shona Cole's book, The Artistic Mother, together and blogging about our progress and visiting and encouraging one another. The purpose of this group is to learn how to balance our time between family, life's responsibilities and creative time for ourselves; to learn how to fit a little creativity into each day; to nurture our own souls so that we can be better moms and wives and to prevent burnout and depression. Please click here to read all of the details and leave a comment there if you would like to join us. In my sidebar, you will see a blog roll for the participants of this group if you would like to visit around. There is also a Flickr Group for The Artistic Mother if you would like to see the projects we have been doing in this group. The book can be purchased at Barnes & Noble, Borders and other bookstores as well as Amazon. You may also visit the author at her blog, An Artful Life.
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