Sunday, April 18, 2010

Artistic Mother, Finding Time for Creativity & Family

I read this post that really spoke to me over at Life and Love in the Country called Giving Common Sense a Try.

She goes on to explain that we try to be super woman/super mom. We make these long to-do lists. We never complete the list, but run around trying to get as much done as possible on the list. But while we are doing so, we become stressed and short-tempered. We say to ourselves, "When I get these things done, then I will make time for my husband, my kids my art, etc." But the list is never done. Therefore the children and husband don't get as much of our attention as they deserve and desire, and we don't have any time for ourselves to take care of ourselves (sleep/exercise), relax or do something creative. This continues day after day, a never-ending cycle. Well, I don't want to live that way anymore! How about you?

The concept of the common sense approach is simple: Make a list of 3 to 5 things, instead of 20, that must be done each day.  Don't strive for perfection. Quality of life is more important than a perfect home. Keep the housework simple. Just tackle one room each day, one load of laundry each day, etc. You can work through the list pretty quickly, feel like you've accomplished something and have time for yourself and your family. Your family deserves time with you. You deserve time for yourself and your family. Taking care of yourself and not running yourself into the ground means that you can be a better wife and mom.

What do you say? Will you join me in this endeavor? I'd love to know what you think about this, if you have anything to add, any tips, etc., that may be of benefit to others. Also, if you give this a try, I'd love to know how it turns out. So come back and leave a comment on how it's going. I think we can all benefit from the shared experiences on this mission to improve our lives and our families.

WHAT YOU ARE SAYING: (Thank you so much, Ladies. I learn so much from you!!!)

Donna said...Trudy, I love this idea which is why I put it on my Top Ten Best Posts yesterday at Comin' Home. Joy is right, we can only get so much done in a day. For me, the critical thing is to decide what the 2 or 3 truly important 'must do's are and then focus on those. I know that if I will focus on the BIG job for the day, then the little jobs will all fall into place around it. For instance, I'm working on re-covering THIRTEEN couch cushion covers! This is a huge task and part of me just wants to give up in despair! But I decided yesterday morning to do at least ONE. I got THREE done plus a myriad of other small tasks. I didn't bother to put the other tasks on the list..just that ONE biggy! And that gave me time to go on a date with hubby last night too. Great post! I'm so glad you highlighted it today!

Joy should know, she has more challenges to face at home than most of us do. She's an amazing mother!

Lorraine said...what a great photo. My list has about 6 things on it and I split the hours up approx in the day so an hour to clean the house, an hour or two to exercise, an hour or two for arty stuff. then its time to pick the kids up and then its their time..thanks very much for your kind comment on my first poem.Sunday, April 18, 2010 

ELK said...

for something a bit different sometimes try making a
"TA DA" list..
keep paper and pen handy and throughout the day jot down small or large things that you complete...IE: unloaded dishwasher ...worked on tying shoes with Laura ... cleaned of the counter ...etc. then at the end of the day stand back and look at the list and say with a big flourish "TA DA!!!!"

Amie aka MammaLoves said...

I have always imagined my life at a very old age--near the end--and when I envision myself, I am surrounded by loved ones. It's their faces I see, not the clean house or the piles of money socked away.

There are many days I lament the state of my house, but my boys will grow up and move out before I know it and I want to make sure I squeeze in as much time and as many hugs as I can right now.

So I wholeheartedly stand behind you on this. My challenge is not beating myself up for the decisions I've made about my time.
Thank you for sharing this, Trudy. I've been trying to do this lately by doing little things like just one load of laundry a day (rather than trying to do all at once) and better menu planning for the week, etc. So far this has helped me steal back some time for my family and for being creative. I've also enjoyed how Shona Cole's book breaks down creative projects into small, bite size pieces, too.

***If you are new here, I am hosting an online art group where we are working through the 12 -project workshop in Shona Cole's book, The Artistic Mother, together and blogging about our progress and visiting and encouraging one another. The purpose of this group is to learn how to balance our time between family, life's responsibilities and creative time for ourselves; to learn how to fit a little creativity into each day; to nurture our own souls so that we can be better moms and wives and to prevent burnout and depression. Please click here to read all of the details and leave a comment there if you would like to join us. In my sidebar, you will see a blog roll for the participants of this group if you would like to visit around. There is also a Flickr Group for The Artistic Mother if you would like to see the projects we have been doing in this group. The book can be purchased at Barnes & Noble, Borders and other bookstores as well as Amazon. You may also visit the author at her amazing blog. She is having a giveaway for the art supplies needed to do the project in her book.


  1. My, your artistic trading cards are divinely beautiful. Sigh. I wish I had your artistic talent. It's so tempting to join the Artistic Mothers group with you... I've been in two minds since I first read about it on your blog... Anyhow I can't wait to see what you make next. Do you need a big collection of stamps to do these projects? How many do you have? Some of those text ones are absolutely gorgeous!

  2. Trudy, I love this idea which is why I put it on my Top Ten Best Posts yesterday at Comin' Home. Joy is right, we can only get so much done in a day. For me, the critical thing is to decide what the 2 or 3 truly important 'must do's are and then focus on those. I know that if I will focus on the BIG job for the day, then the little jobs will all fall into place around it. For instance, I'm working on re-covering THIRTEEN couch cushion covers! This is a huge task and part of me just wants to give up in despair! But I decided yesterday morning to do at least ONE. I got THREE done plus a myriad of other small tasks. I didn't bother to put the other tasks on the list..just that ONE biggy! And that gave me time to go on a date with hubby last night too. Great post! I'm so glad you highlighted it today!

    Joy should know, she has more challenges to face at home than most of us do. She's an amazing mother!

  3. Great post and one I wholly agree with. I was forced into this kind of thinking kicking and screaming a some years ago now, and it has turned into one of the greatest blessings I could have ever received. Having a loose daily schedule has helped me a lot. Knowing what you have to do on a certain day makes it easier to fit in the unplanned stuff that you want or need to do.

  4. great advice, wish I had learned it sooner! the to do list is never ending so we simply must shorten the list if we are to find creative time :)

  5. thank you for your kind comment on my blog! you're awesome (all you ladies!!!) haven't got the book yet, just flipped the pages but is on the top of my wist list! keep creating and inspiring!!! have a nice day!

  6. what a great photo. My list has about 6 things on it and I split the hours up approx in the day so an hour to clean the house, an hour or two to exercise, an hour or two for arty stuff. then its time to pick the kids up and then its their time..thanks very much for your kind comment on my first poem

  7. for something a bit different sometimes try making a
    "TA DA" list..
    keep paper and pen handy and throughout the day jot down small or large things that you complete...IE: unloaded dishwasher ...worked on tying shoes with Laura ... cleaned of the counter ...etc. then at the end of the day stand back and look at the list and say with a big flourish "TA DA!!!!"

  8. I have always imagined my life at a very old age--near the end--and when I envision myself, I am surrounded by loved ones. It's their faces I see, not the clean house or the piles of money socked away.

    There are many days I lament the state of my house, but my boys will grow up and move out before I know it and I want to make sure I squeeze in as much time and as many hugs as I can right now.

    So I wholeheartedly stand behind you on this. My challenge is not beating myself up for the decisions I've made about my time.

  9. Thank you for sharing this, Trudy. I've been trying to do this lately by doing little things like just one load of laundry a day (rather than trying to do all at once) and better menu planning for the week, etc. So far this has helped me steal back some time for my family and for being creative. I've also enjoyed how Shona Cole's book breaks down creative projects into small, bite size pieces, too.


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